
I think the knowing we know less and less might be the knowing! The wisdom of knowing we know nothing.  This leaves room for the mystery, and what I love about the poetic form, is that it allows for—and celebrates—mystery: negative capability, learning to love the questions themselves, or at least, to sit with them. A poem is a realm where we can live in a question—and generate only more questions—and that’s a complete work of art.

I will say that there is one thing I have learned about obsession (though not through poetry) and that is: the day after you have a romantic dream about a person, do NOT contact them.

Something I have learned about god (though not through poetry): god’s will is never urgent.

Love: love is a verb, baby. I want it to be a feeling, a drug, but it’s a damn verb.

Something I’ve learned through death: that I am a person who will talk to a tree.

          Likes: being in a flow state. Dislikes: fear.

           --from Interview with Melissa Broder,  APR

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