
--Norman Finkelstein


Listen to the children
who know their way about the forest
and return with stories

which the thief steals
exchanging them
for a kind of music.


Listen to the music
which knows its way about the forest
and returns with stories

which the thief steals
thinking they're allegories.


Independent as any wife
or thief before his arrest
the stories in the forest

at home in the forest
wait there patiently
to be exchanged for music.


In some versions
there is a home among the trees
and in some versions

they live apart
so there are only the letters

In some versions they never meet at all.


In some versions
there are many versions 
and in some versions only one

around which the commentators
weave endless versions
as if to explain.


In these explanations
no single
cause or image

Eden calling
endless promise
endless disaster.

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