--John BrehmMostly they live in the darkunderwater weed-slitheringcurrents and worry aboutbeing swallowed up by theirmore furious brethren.Some of them have eyesperched atop long thin stemslike flowers. And somehave forty or fifty armspocked with suction cupsto help them stick to thingsand will squirt blackclouds of ink to keepthemselves concealed. Othersresemble subtropicaldottybacks or scaleless deepseagulper eels, with theirvelvety bodies, zipper teeth,and whip-like tails. The fearsomedragonfish—likewise theviperfish, hatchetfish,and bristlemouth—all find theircorollaries in the Red Seaof my heart. Eventhe phantom glass catfish,entirely translucent exceptfor its intestines,is no stranger to my feelings.The unforthcoming among thembehave just like shovelnosestingrays who flop right downin the bottom-ooze and flickthe muck up over them.But some of them, when theyswim too near the surface,find themselves suddenlyexalted, lifted and flyingthrough the air, wind-filled,sunlight-sharpened skyexpanding around them, highabove their proper element—
birdclaws sunk into their backs.
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