
As we walk we enter the magnetic fields of other bodies, and every smell we take in the communities of protozoa see; and a being inside leaps up toward it, as a horse rears at the starting gate, When you and I come near each other, we are drawn down into the sweetest pools of slowly circling energies, slowly circling smells. 
......Each living thing throws itself down before the dawn,
......And the night opens itself out behind it,
......And inside its own center lives! 
So the space between two people diminishes; it grows less and less; no one to weep; they merge at last. The sound that pours from the fingertips awakens clouds of cells far inside the other's body, and beings unknown to us start out on a pilgrimage to their Savior, to their holy place. Their holy place is a small black stone that they remember from Protozoic times, when it was rolled away from a door. 

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