
Haiku- Spring, 2018

peewee crocus
a whisper of patience
in a dust of snow

black water lake,
and the graceful brush
of white swans

southern breeze,
a robin perches upon
the visitor guide

street musician-
a city without

backseat doggy,
through the window his ears
speak a loppy french

sky unfurls the green a crow flies through

may day-
not a single conclusion
afloat in the breeze

counting those years
on the tips of her fingers-
cherry blossoms

saying hi
to sleeplessness-
spring moon

morning songbirds-
the translation
of sunlight


Anonymous said...

I’m 100% certain, you should be told your writing is very very good. Lovely spring haiku. Excellent captures.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for reading!
