

Winter Haiku - 2024/25

holiday décor
replacing all the dark warmth
found through a poem

january freeze-
there's infinity and then
there's the coffee rings

a simple hello
from the bright full moon
in my back window


Another Snow Man

All the frozen molecules collecting
upon absence are winter words

and those without much comfort
still contain their solace, presence

slowly abounding as snowflakes
dropping in settlement, thought

upon branches while the moon,
where it can, highlights empirical

sufferance within each element,
what is right here while carrying on

with a rather particular endurance
of ice, just when it comes to this.


[ Tondo ; Hedda Sterne (1973) ]


-Bret Shepard

No matter the size of window,
nor the contrary force

with which it resists,
when the window breaks

the outcome is evening.
There is only one method

for self-reflection. To achieve
a quiet mind you must first

hear it speak. Then you must
talk back to your mind

until you talk it to death.


--Bret Shepard       

The mood of the oven—
      plastic is more than plastic

when it burns. Did we design this
room to smell of plastic? The open
floor-plan circles us into each other.
And who cares.

And who suffocates. Fields suffocate
as snowfall pulls our bodies outside.

It shouldn't be shameful to breathe.

Wheat stubble crunches as feet
sink into snow. The ground pulls us.

For as long as I can remember,
the ground has been pulling us,
as if iron laced our bones, promising
            last breaths, a few

last clear breaths.


--Bret Shepard

Some caribou take place with late hunger. If death is the mind
out of season, you hunt the sound of what it was

in the melt-filled space outside. You hear it beneath the lowest
tempo of need. You find it in your nature. Lost

on the trails of others, lost in reflection
most nights—memories like the melt that was once ice. What is

lost outside moves without you. The sound is one track playing
hours of your inside voice.


[ Roofs ; Mstislav Dobuzhinsky (1931) ]


--Cornelius Eady

My friends,
As it has been proven in the laboratory,   
An empty pair of dance shoes
Will sit on the floor like a wart
Until it is given a reason to move.

Those of us who study inertia
(Those of us covered with wild hair and sleep)
Can state this without fear:
The energy in a pair of shoes at rest   
Is about the same as that of a clown

Knocked flat by a sandbag.
This you can tell your friends with certainty:   
A clown, flat on his back,
Is a lot like an empty pair of
    dancing shoes.

An empty pair of dancing shoes
Is also a lot like a leaf   
Pressed in a book.
And now you know a simple truth:
A leaf pressed in, say, The Colossus
    by Sylvia Plath,
Is no different from an empty pair of dance shoes

Even if those shoes are in the middle of the Stardust Ballroom   
With all the lights on, and hot music shakes the windows   
    up and down the block.
This is the secret of inertia:
The shoes run on their own sense of the world.   
They are in sympathy with the rock the kid skips   
    over the lake
After it settles to the mud.
Not with the ripples,
But with the rock.

A practical and personal application of inertia
Can be found in the question:   
Whose Turn Is It
To Take Out The Garbage?   
An empty pair of dance shoes
Is a lot like the answer to this question,
As well as book-length poems
Set in the Midwest.

To sum up:
An empty pair of dance shoes
Is a lot like the sand the 98-pound weakling   
    brushes from his cheeks
As the bully tows away his girlfriend.   

When he spies the coupon at the back of the comic book,
He is about to act upon a different set of scientific principles.   
He is ready to dance.


--Cornelius Eady

New York grows
In his absence.
I suppose

You could also title this picture
Of Miles, his leathery
Squint, the grace
In his fingers a sliver of the stuff

You can’t get anymore,
As the rest of us wonder:
What was the name
Of the driver

Of that truck? And the rest
Of us sigh:
Death is one hell
Of a pickpocket.


--Cornelius Eady

Your body, hard vowels
In a soft dress, is still.

What you can't know
is that after you died
All the black poets
In New York City
Took a deep breath,
And breathed you out;
Dark corners of small clubs,
The silence you left twitching

On the floors of the gigs
You turned your back on,
The balled-up fists of notes
Flung, angry from a keyboard.

You won't be able to hear us
Try to etch what rose
Off your eyes, from your throat.

Out you bleed, not as sweet, or sweaty,
Through our dark fingertips.
We drum rest
We drum thank you
We drum stay.


[ Fiberglass Scroll ; Albert Oehlen (2004) ]


--Maggie Smith

All we ever talk of is light—
let there be light, there was light then,

good light—but what I consider
dawn is darker than all that.

So many hours between the day
receding and what we recognize

as morning, the sun cresting
like a wave that won’t break

over us—as if  light were protective,
as if  no hearts were flayed,

no bodies broken on a day
like today. In any film,

the sunrise tells us everything
will be all right. Danger wouldn’t

dare show up now, dragging
its shadow across the screen.

We talk so much of  light, please
let me speak on behalf

of  the good dark. Let us
talk more of how dark

the beginning of a day is.



--Maggie Smith

In what I think is a dream,
I look at some manifestation of the past

& say, I know you’re not real. Someone has to.
As most dream-things do, the past

shapeshifts, reconstitutes itself with new
eyes & a new haircut—the past

made over—& then I forget its name.
I forget what I’m doing with the past.

What is that joke about the river?
It’s not really a joke, no more than the past

is really past—the one about water never
being the same water. As it flows past,

the river’s current—now that’s a joke—
is always flowing now, now, now. Past

seven, when I wake from what I think
is a dream—a dream where I tell the past

the truth about itself—it is the present
as it always is. There is no past.


--Maggie Smith

my daughter says. Unless the car could float.
Unless by car you mean boat. Unless the ocean
turned to ice and promised not to crack.
Unless Greenland floated over here,
having lifted its anchor. Unless we could row
our country there. Our whole continent
would have to come along, wouldn't it? Unless
we cut ourselves free. What kind of saw
could we use for that? What kind of oars
could deliver one country to another?
She asks, Why is Greenland called Greenland
if it’s not green? Why is Iceland called
Iceland if it’s greener than Greenland?
Unless it’s a trick, a lie: the name Greenland
is an ad for Greenland. Who would go
promised nothing but ice? Who would cut
her home to pieces and row away for that?


[ Snowing ; Mark Edwards ]


One Day

One day after another--
They all fit.


Nowhere before you
any of this.


No one
else in the room
except you. 
Mind's a form
of taking
it all. 
And the room
opens and closes.

--Robert Creeley


--Robert Creeley

Do you know what
the truth is,
what's rightly
or wrongly said,

what is wiseness,
or rightness, what
wrong, or well-
done if it is,

or is not, done.
I thought.
I thought and
thought and thought.

In a place
I was sitting,
and there
it was, a little

faint thing
hardly felt, a
kind of small


The End of The Day
--Robert Creeley

Oh who is
so cosy with
despair and
all, they will

not come,
rejuvenated, to
the last spectacle
of the day. Look!

the sun is
sinking, now
gone. Night,

good and sweet
night, good
night, good, good
night has come.



[ The View Into Infinity, 2023 ; Alfred Freddy Krupa ]



--Charles Wright

Back here, old snow like lace cakes,
Candescent and brittle now and then through the tall grass.
Remorse, remorse, the dark drones.

The body’s the affliction,
No resting place in the black pews of the winter trees,
No resting place in the clouds.

Mercy upon us, old man,
You in the China dust, I this side of my past life,
Salt in the light of heaven.

Isolate landscape. World’s grip.
The absolute, as small as a poker chip, moves off,
Bright moon shining between pines.


--Charles Wright

Last night’s stars and last night’s wind
are west of the mountains now, and east of the river.
Here, under the branches of the nine trees,
                                           how small the world seems.

Should we lament, in winter, our shadow’s solitude,
our names spelled out like snowflakes?
Where is it written, “the season’s decrease diminishes me?”

Should we long for stillness,
                                  a hush for the trivial body
washed in the colors of paradise,
dirt-colored water-colored match-flame-and-wind-colored?

As one who has never understood the void,
                                                                      should I
give counsel to the darkness, honor the condor’s wing?
Should we keep on bowing to
                                   an inch of this and an inch of that?

The world is a handkerchief.
Today I spread it across my knees.
Tomorrow they’ll fold it into my breast pocket,
                                                      white on my dark suit.



Silent Journal
--Charles Wright

Inaudible consonant inaudible vowel
The word continues to fall
                                    in splendor around us
Window half shadow window half moon
                                                             back yard like a book of snow
That holds nothing and that nothing holds
Immaculate text
                           not too prescient not too true


[ Winter ; Vilhelms Purvitis (1910) ]



The Perfect Journey Is
-- A. R. Ammons

The perfect journey is
no need to go

another nothingly clear day and
I went
to walk between the pine
up the road on the hill and there
hill-high in dry cold
I saw the weaves of glitterment
airborne, so fine,
the breeze sifting
figurations from the snow
reservoirs of the boughs


Snow of the
-- A. R. Ammons

Snow of the 
right consistency,
temperature, and
velocity will
fall in a lee
building out over
space a
promontory of
reach in
downward curvature:
and snow
will do this
not once
but wherever possible,
a similarity of effect
to diversity's 
exact numeration

* * *

here a month of snow,
more January than
February, intervenes
during which
I wrote
nothing: it is
the winter-deep, the 
annual sink:
leave it unwritten,
as snow unwrites
the landscape

* * *



--A. R. Ammons

It doesn't

to me

poems mean

there's no

to the

and yet

walks the


[ Tree ; Jacoba van Heemskerck (1918) ]


--Donald Justice

It's snowing this afternoon and there are no flowers.
There is only this sound of falling, quiet and remote,
Like the memory of scales descending the white keys
Of a childhood piano—outside the window, palms!
And the heavy head of the cereus, inclining,
Soon to let down its white or yellow-white.

Now, only these poor snow-flowers in a heap,
Like the memory of a white dress cast down . . .
So much has fallen.
                                    And I, who have listened for a step
All afternoon, hear it now, but already falling away,
Already in memory. And the terrible scales descending
On the silent piano; the snow; and the absent flowers


--Linda Pastan

As if I had dreamed the snow
into falling,
I wake to a world
blanked out
in its particulars,
nearly erased.

The is the silence
of absolute whiteness- the mute
birds nowhere
in sight, the car
an animal tracks
filled in,

all boundaries,
as in love,
Sometimes all we have
to go by
is the weather:

a message
the snow writes
an invisible ink,
what the sky means
by its litmus

Now my breath
on the chilly window
forms a cloud
which may turn
to rain later,
somewhere else.


--Cynthia Cruz

If you leave,
he said,
keep who you are.

Don’t let the world
and its desires
ruin you.

But after the dream
comes the habit.

And no way to fix it.

What is gone
cannot be put back.

from the inside.

What I have become
is warmed over

with that now
ancient dream.

What I was
is vanished.

I came back home
but I came back