Winter Haiku - 2024/25
holiday décor
replacing all the dark warmth
found through a poem
january freeze-
there's infinity and then
there's the coffee rings
a simple hello
from the bright full moon
in my back window
Another Snow ManAll the frozen molecules collectingupon absence are winter wordsand those without much comfortstill contain their solace, presenceslowly abounding as snowflakesdropping in settlement, thoughtupon branches while the moon,where it can, highlights empiricalsufferance within each element,what is right here while carrying onwith a rather particular enduranceof ice, just when it comes to this.
--Cornelius EadyNew York growsSlimmerIn his absence.I supposeYou could also title this pictureOf Miles, his leatherySquint, the graceIn his fingers a sliver of the stuffYou can’t get anymore,As the rest of us wonder:What was the nameOf the driverOf that truck? And the restOf us sigh:Death is one hellOf a pickpocket.
--Cornelius EadyYour body, hard vowelsIn a soft dress, is still.What you can't knowis that after you diedAll the black poetsIn New York CityTook a deep breath,And breathed you out;Dark corners of small clubs,The silence you left twitchingOn the floors of the gigsYou turned your back on,The balled-up fists of notesFlung, angry from a keyboard.You won't be able to hear usTry to etch what roseOff your eyes, from your throat.Out you bleed, not as sweet, or sweaty,Through our dark fingertips.We drum restWe drum thank youWe drum stay.
--Maggie SmithAll we ever talk of is light—let there be light, there was light then,good light—but what I considerdawn is darker than all that.So many hours between the dayreceding and what we recognizeas morning, the sun crestinglike a wave that won’t breakover us—as if light were protective,as if no hearts were flayed,no bodies broken on a daylike today. In any film,the sunrise tells us everythingwill be all right. Danger wouldn’tdare show up now, draggingits shadow across the screen.We talk so much of light, pleaselet me speak on behalfof the good dark. Let ustalk more of how darkthe beginning of a day is.
The Perfect Journey Is-- A. R. AmmonsThe perfect journey isno need to goanother nothingly clear day andI wentto walk between the pinecolonnadesup the road on the hill and therehill-high in dry coldI saw the weaves of glittermentairborne, so fine,the breeze siftingfigurations from the snowreservoirs of the boughs
Snow of the-- A. R. AmmonsSnow of theright consistency,temperature, andvelocity willfall in a leeslopebuilding out overspace apromontory ofconsiderablereach indownward curvature:and snowwill do thisnot oncebut wherever possible,a similarity of effectextendedto diversity'sexact numeration* * *here a month of snow,more January thanFebruary, intervenesduring whichI wrotenothing: it isthe winter-deep, theannual sink:leave it unwritten,as snow unwritesthe landscape* * *
--Linda PastanAs if I had dreamed the snowinto falling,I wake to a worldblanked outin its particulars,nearly erased.The is the silenceof absolute whiteness- the mutebirds nowherein sight, the caran animal tracksfilled in,all boundaries,as in love,ambiguous.Sometimes all we haveto go byis the weather:a messagethe snow writesan invisible ink,what the sky meansby its litmuscolors.Now my breathon the chilly windowforms a cloudwhich may turnto rain later,somewhere else.
--Cynthia CruzIf you leave,he said,keep who you are.Don’t let the worldand its desiresruin you.But after the dreamcomes the habit.And no way to fix it.What is gonecannot be put back.Damagefrom the inside.What I have becomeis warmed overwith that nowancient dream.What I wasis vanished.I came back homebut I came backgone.